We are glad to announce the list of volunteers who will join the team of the Festival-School "Territory" in 2019.

Our volunteers will help us in organizing and conducting performances, communicate with participants in the educational program and guests of the festival, participate in administrative work at the venues, as well as see performances and visit our other events.

Thanks to everyone who sent us the questionnaires, and congratulations to those who passed the selection:
Educational program
Булатова Мария
Горлатова Елена
Крашенинникова-Хайт Мария
Нестерова Софья
Никитина Екатерина
Сапожникова Наталья

Theatre program
Балкова Ирина
Горшкова Полина
Зайцев Егор
Клевакина Александра
Кузнецова Варвара
Севрюгина Валентина
Шапошникова Элеонора
Зайцев Илья
Кудиярова Анастасия
Лагуткина Татьяна
Маханова Ульяна
Танченко Екатерина