
Running time: 40 minutes

Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, Small Stage
Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, Small Stage
A good girl named Mia always dreamed of a dog or at least a cat, but it so happened that she came across... a real dragon! Mia didn't know whether to be happy or beware of her new friend. But she soon realised there was nothing to worry about: sneezing with fire and being unvaccinated (who knows which vaccines should dragons get?) does not stop the dragon from protecting his princess from villains and amusing her and her family. This is how a friendship, unlike any other, was formed.

This play by the theatre Teatr Predmeta is a performance with exciting games accompanied by a DJ's music and singing that will help the audience have a really fun time.
Creative team
The play involves: Olga Bodrova, Sergei Bystrov, Ilya Sharov

The author of the play — Arina Chunaeva
Director — Mikhail Plutakhin
Artist — Olga Galitskaya
Sound design — Ilya Sharov
Video artist — Vera Baratova
Operator — Mikhail Plutakhin
Technical Director — Alexander Romanov
Producer of Teatr Predmeta — Petr Volkov
Tilda Publishing
create your own block from scratch