The genre of Peter Aidu's Anthropocenephony. Songs of machines and mechanisms composition is not easy to determine. Anthropocenephony could be called a separate genre created by the author. The name refers to geochronology: Anthropocene is an epoche characterized by significant human activity that strongly impacts the environment.
What does industrialization sound like? In the history of music, Alexander Mosolov's Iron Foundry (1928) can be considered an early forerunner of Anthropocenephony. The Soviet composer preferred constructivist imagery — for example, we can hear iron sheets in his composition. Paying homage to the Avantgarde predecessors, the director and composer Peter Aidu added unconventional instruments and found objects like police batons, a skateboard wheel, a plywood box, and tableware to the orchestra.
Anthropocenephony composition is written for percussion instruments, electronica, and a mixed choir. Twelve parts are created using the sounds of real production halls. The authors managed to hear the music in the noise of a filling machine, a lathe, a stamping press, and a pumping station. These seemingly aggressive images overlap and form a single musical text. In addition to percussion, specially designed electronic instruments and electro-acoustic systems are used in the score.