The Field, by Pavel Priazhko is a classical play of the New Drama Movement. This show continues creative collaboration between the director Dmitry Volkostrelov and the writer Pavel Priazhko – the critics have already referred to them as a tandem: it is impossible to imagine Volkostrelov not making shows based on Priazhko’s texts, and vice versa. Just as Priazhko in his texts experiments with language by introducing primitivism into the speech and depriving language of its communicative function, Volkostrelov in his shows substitutes action with inaction and presence of a character with its non-existence. DMITRY VOLKOSTRELOV, a theatre director graduated from St Petersburg Academy of Performing Arts where he studied under Lev Dodin. Dmitry Volkostrelov has founded an artistic association Theatre-Post in St Petersburg. Three times already he has received a Breakthrough award as the Best Young Director. He has also been given a special prize of the jury at The Golden Mask Festival. PAVEL PRIAZHKO, Playwright and screenwriter from Belarus. His plays are staged in Russia as well as abroad; they have been translated into many languages. Pavel Priazhko is The Golden Mask Award winner.