Photo: Vera Rodman
Circo Ambulante is the Moscow debut of multiple winner of the Golden Mask Award Andrei Moguchi and the second occurrence of his collaboration with St. Petersburg set designer and performance artist, one of the founders of EXE Engineering Theatre Maxim Isayev.
This time the daring avant-garde trendsetters turned to one of the world culture's most controversial issues — the theme of “quixotism”. The authors of the production thoroughly study the nature of this mysterious phenomenon trying to figure out what it is: a disease, a case of madness or a spiritual need? What makes a man commit acts that are gracious but absolutely crazy from the point of view of an Everyman? And they provide the exhaustive and simple answer: their motive force is love. Love is at the core of the relationships between the main characters performed by wonderful actors Lia Ahedjakova and Albert Filozov. The story of their personages is extraordinary and full of twists and turns. Their past is quite fantastical and abounds in adventures. It consists of circus, murderous dramas and hard labor. Maria and Anton live in the hellish conditions of aggressive reality. Each of them has to act single-handed to oppose the evils of the modern world represented in the play by a brilliant and distinctive team of actors and by the highly grotesque and at times quite bizarre set design.
The author's bold flight of the imagination effectively blends together fact and fancy, eccentricity and ordinaire, the commonplace and the irrational. They created on stage the fantastic world of their own that is both like and unlike the world we are all living in.