As Semen Serzin puts it, “the first thing that comes into mind when you see expositions, most of which relate to the Second World War is that the Victory Day, May 9 nowadays has definitely turned into a strange celebration. It is the day when it is better to avoid appearing at the city’s celebrations as chances are you get hit with a bottle on your head by the downtown guys that take to the city centre. One sees "Thank you, Grandpa, for the victory!" inscriptions and St. George ribbons that mark the celebration.
Is this peace? I live in a country where people are growing on hating each other, where people hate the country in which they live, and are always talking about leaving. And this is not peace, therefore it is war. It is difficult to talk about the Second World War because of the distance of time, so we decided to talk about the conflicts which chronologically are closer to us — the war in Afghanistan and the Chechen campaigns. "The closer to death you get, the purer are the people you meet; the farther to the rear you get, the fatter are the generals. " War and the near death make people purer. Maybe we really need a third World War."