Vladimir Rannev will speak about making music for theatre. Theatre is possible without music, but Rannev believes that music can make it better if it is good and fits the performance. He will explain why music in theatre is important and how to choose the right music for a performance. 
Vladimir Rannev is a composer and music historian. He studied composition at Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory and electronic music at the Cologne University of Music. In 2007 he became Composer at the University of Durham. He is a member of CoMa composers’ collective, a lecturer at the St. Petersburg State University and has published a number of academic articles. He has been awarded several prestigious music prizes, including Salvatore Martirano Award of the University of Illinois (USA, 2009), and Gianni Bergamo Classic Music Award (Switzerland, 2010). In 2013 he was awarded a Grand-Prix at Sergey Kuryokhin Awards for his opera Two Acts. In 2016 his composition for Episode V of Boris Yukhananov’s series of opera productions The Sverlians was nominated for Golden Mask. In 2019 he was awarded a Golden Mask for the music for Proze at Stanislavsky Electrotheatre (and was also nominated for The Best Director). 

2019-10-18 14:00 2019