
The sonnets can be considered as one of the most mysterious chapters in Shakespeare’s work. It’s yet unknown who they were addressed to, what reason lay behind them, and if their numeration is authentic.

The director is Timofey Kulyabin, who showed his performance Electra on the Small stage of the Theatre of Nations in 2013. In his new project he refers to the sonnets devoted to fading and oblivion. In this performance Kulyabin contemplates the last effort of the human brain, the last glance a man casts over his or her life, recollecting the most memorable moments. And these moments are often some slight details, brief encounters, fleeting glances, which are more meaningful than traditional “accomplishments”. These particular micro-events become a so-called quintessence of human existence, which is gracefully depicted in this poetic performance.

The artist and co-author Oleg Golovko creates a unique space, which is a bit similar to the secret room from Andrei Tarkovsky’ film the Mirror, where the fear of non-existence and eternity dwells. Timofey Kulyabin explores death not as a tragedy, but as a natural process of turning into nothing – whether this implies human relationship, images or biological life.