“Breathe in - Breathe out” tells the audience a story about a girl named Masha, who is nothing like her peers, she is a “black sheep” in social world. It is a play about typical teenage problems: misunderstanding that comes from parents, first love and disappointment, loneliness, difficult relationships with classmates. The only thing that the heroine dreams about is to leave the provincial town to become happy somewhere far away from there. And also about how to be heard, have friends and about the right to be yourself, even if the majority does not really like it, love and breathe: breathe in - breathe out, breathe in - out, in-out...

“Breathe in - Breathe out” is a typical “new drama” play about teenagers and for teenagers. About serious problems that are so often ignored by adults. Director Vadim Karionov about the play: “Play “Breathe in - Breathe out” is very popular in Irkutsk. This piece directed by young playwright Julia Tupikina has collected many awards and we couldn’t leave it unnoticed. We communicate in the language of modern plays, contemporary music, which appeals to teenagers and society. We want the audience to understand that one can overcome everything and be heard in this cruel world, where the majority is nothing like YOU!”.

Theater actor Philipp Cherny - “Our play will be particularly interesting to teenagers. Frankly speaking, when a group of students is brought to a theater, they watch a play unconsciously. We offer something that can spark interest in them, introduce them to the theater. It is a very interesting experience for irkutsk audience”.

One of the plot lines is a story about love of the girl to her school teacher. Her mother also has similar feelings. Will mother sacrifice her feelings or will the family be splitted with resentments? The play is accompanied with a video sequence that helps to look at thoughts and actions of main characters from different perspectives. Great variety of characters and real teenage drama can be expected.

“The play drags us into the world of teenagers, into this sometimes turbulent universe, where there is no love, compassion, remorse. Or is there?? The only ray of hope is our young heroine, who is so kind and pure. Despite all the difficulties she faces, she still remains as Sympathetic and Kind as before! Сherish these feelings in yourselves no matter all complications that life will challenge you with. Take care of your relatives and loved ones, and always follow your dreams!!! After all, it can become reality! Live and breathe. Breathe in - Breathe out…” — Vkevent.ru


  • Staging, scenography — Vadim Karionov
  • Director of video — Nikita Dobrynin
  • Artist — Anastasia Karamysheva


  • Masha — Lyubov Sytina
  • Katya — Angela Markelova
  • Pavel — Dmitry Ivanov
2018-09-12 17:00 2018